Piano Cleaning
Your Piano is sensitive to it’s environment
Pianos become dirty because of exposure to the atmosphere, indoor pollution from cooking oils, smoke, pet dander, spills and other accidents. It is normal for a piano to need cleaning over time.
- Our specialist will clean the soundboard, strings, keyboard, action, action cavity, cabinet, plate, tuning pin area and more.
- Hammer felts are vacuumed, brushed and sometimes filed to restore a clean surface.
- Light rust is removed from treble string surfaces.
- The soundboard is cleaned. Soft cloths are inserted between the strings to gain access to hard-to-reach areas.
- The tuning pin area is carefully brushed with soft bristles and vacuumed. The keyboard and action are removed from grand pianos to expose the inner keybed cavity where debris collects for years. Vertical piano keys are removed.
- The entire area is then vacuumed, brushed and thoroughly cleaned.
- We can arrange to clean and polish the exterior cabinet.
Contaminated pianos pose a health risk, as common allergens collect for years including dust, mites, pet dander, smoke and mold. Some of these allergens become airborne as the piano is played. It is often possible to see these effects as hammers strike the strings.

“You brought to the work you did on this instrument a level of dedication that is all too rare in this world.“
Frequently Asked Questions:
Q: Can I Clean My Piano Myself:
A: You can of course dust and vacuum your piano however you should not touch the strings and may not be able to safely get under the strings in order to clean the soundboard. In a professional cleaning the strings and soundboard, keyboard, keybed and action are addressed using accepted and safe tools and materials in which to do so. We recommend only high level and experienced technician’s clean your piano.
Q: My Piano Smells Bad. What Can I Do About That:?
A: A piano which has been in a smoker’s environment will have absorbed the cigarette or cigar odors. Mold and mildew may have invaded in damp basement or room environments. Cooking oils, pets, pet dander and pet-urine happen at and inside pianos. Even mice may have invaded. If rodent infestation, mold or mildew is involved the piano will likely have to go out for an extreme cleaning and perhaps even restoration. For other more common odors on site cleaning will usually be sufficient.
Q: Is Rust A Problem At Strings:?
A: Yes, it can be. Rust can easily contribute to string breakage and even a degradation in tone.
Q: My Pet Loves To Be Inside My Piano. Is That Bad:
A: Yes. It is not good to have pets inside pianos. It is generally grand pianos that pets like to get into, cats especially. However, fur, dander, paw prints at strings (paws leave dark marks at the copper wound bass strings), are generally not good and damage to dampers may occur with pets being inside pianos.
For The Finest In Piano Servicing
Contact Chicago Piano Service, Inc.
1038 Jackson Ave
River Forest, IL 60305
By Appointment Only