Our Piano Technician Services
Our Essential Piano Services include Tuning, Voicing, Cleaning, Evaluation, Appraisal & Repair. These services are offered to maintain the instrument throughout generations.
Our Registered Piano Technicians (RPT) tune piano of all major brands.
The unique sound quality of the piano is in part due to the hammer coverings which are made from highly compressed wool felt. Following careful action regulation, we can file, shape, clean, smooth and adjust the density of the cloth in a process known as voicing.
Improves the aesthetic and health of the piano and those who play. We offer complete piano cleaning services for soundboard and strings, keyboard and action and cabinet as requested.
Are offered for purposes of learning more about your instrument, insurance coverage, sales value, estate planning, damage and loss due to fire, soot, flood or other damages.
The modern piano has over 10,500 component parts. These parts range from over 230 string lengths tensioned at over 20 tons of pressure, to several thousand individual action components. Often piano parts require repair, adjustments known as regulation or replacement.

Piano Tuning
We are excited to tune your piano. Our pitch standard is A4=440, and our piano tuners are registered or RPT members of the Piano Technicians Guild thoroughly trained in the tuning process.
Our goal will be to tune your piano at least twice yearly and keep it sounding beautiful, as it should.
Piano Repairs
Things break! Pianos have thousand of part components. Over time the repetition cycles which parts go through cause fatigue and parts will break. We can repair or completely replace action parts. We also repair broken piano legs, music desk & rack, benches and other parts.
Piano Regulation
Action regulation simultaneously improves the way your piano feels and sounds. Touch, tone and feel are improved via a complex series of interrelated adjustments at the keyboard and action. We can help improve the ability of your piano to play softly as well as loud, increase the expressive range of tone colors or Timbre and create an even touch at the keys.
Piano Voicing
Improve sound quality, clarity and tonal focus. Even-piano-tone is the perfect compliment to a well-regulated piano action. Piano hammer shaping, needle voicing and hammer-felt firming techniques enhance the tone of your piano.
Piano Cleaning
Pianos become dirty over time. We like to keep instruments that we care for clean. Our process removes allergens, address issues of rust and corrosion at the strings, dust and dirt at the soundboard, keyboard and action. We commonly see pet hair and dander; insect remains and in more severe cases mold and mildew. Cleaning improves the aesthetic and feel of the piano.
Piano Valuation
Consider the peace of mind and practical benefits of knowing the overall condition and value of your piano. We offer a full slate of Consultation and Piano Valuation Services, including Written Appraisals for insurance, repair, replacement value, and estate planning purposes, in addition to Insurance Loss Reports. With over forty years of complete restoration, finishing and repair of vintage, heirloom and traditional piano we are knowledgeable in condition reporting for home or business owners of pianos and how to accurately access their condition.
For The Finest In Piano Servicing
Contact Chicago Piano Service, Inc.
1038 Jackson Ave
River Forest, IL 60305
By Appointment Only